Monday, October 15, 2012

One more thing...

Don't forget to bring your tin whistles tomorrow.  We will be using them for the next 6 weeks (weeks 7-12).

Hi everyone,

Hope you have all been well over the last couple of weeks.  As you know, I was out last week (week 6).  I'm not sure if Stephanie said why, but I lost a very close friend on Monday night, so I was not in the best condition to teach.  As I'm grieving the loss of my friend, I found out on Friday that my aunt passed that morning.  Needless to say, this week has been a rough one for my family, friends, & myself.  I am still trying to decide if I should come tomorrow, so I probably won't make my decision until this evening.  I'm going to do my best, as I pray for strength & endurance.  So if you all would please keep us in your prayers, we would be very grateful.

Don't forget to bring your ice cream sheets tomorrow!  Also, presentation is "Show & Tell!"  The kids should bring something in a bag and be prepared to give clues, and the class will try to guess what is in the bag.

Thank you guys, and I hope to see you all tomorrow.